Wdmuchiwarka BDJ Mini Blowing machine BDJ Mini

Blowing machine BDJ Mini

Blowing machine BDJ Mini
Blowing machine BDJ Mini for the construction of the last sections of the network

One of the smaller models of Blue Dragon Jet blowers. It is equipped with special guide bushings that allow blowing the fibre from a diameter of 0,7 mm. BDJ Mini has Dragon Jaws. It is a unique cable protection system by precisely guiding the moving part of the feeder and the so-called Dragon Jaws. Shaped, sharp teeth ensure secure fixing of the tubes, without reducing the cross-section of the micro-tube.

Blowing range:

Microcables: Ø 0.7- 10 mm
Tubes: Ø 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 16 mm

📄 Product sheet.pdf

Every blowing machine requires a compressor with appropriate parameters for proper operation. Dedicated to this model are: Atmos PB82 and Kaeser M17A

See more Blue Dragon Jet Blowing Machines